
Whitney Carlstone, Diamond Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Monday, September 17, 2012

Are you sick of Yo-Yo Dieting?

So you want to lose a lot of weight you buy a wrap, you kill your body with an HCG diet, you starve yourself crazy and eat like a rabbit, you do a master cleanse that shocks your system and you lose a few pounds...That is until you start eating ‘normal’ again.  Then you’ll blow up like a balloon, and the vicious YO YO cycle will start all over again deepening the pit of depression even more.

If you want to look better and feel better permanently, you MUST make permanent changes.  You took the easy way into the pit, and now it's up to you to take the hard way out.

You must lift weights and perform cardiovascular exercise along with any healthy eating food plan you choose to follow.  Without weight lifting/resistance training and cardio, you will lose weight due to any calorie deficit you create, but you will also lose precious muscle in the process. 

Muscle is your best friend for long term weight control.  It burns fat from your body. You’ve got to do everything in your power to keep as much of your ally as possible during weight loss programs.

You must understand that losing muscle decreases your metabolism and makes weight loss even tougher.  Muscle burns calories. The more muscle you have, the more food you can eat and not gain body fat or body weight.

After you go through one of those typical weight loss programs that starve you and feed you cardboard, you will end up in worse shape than before you started the program. When you lose muscle, you look worse and burn fewer calories each and every day.

Sure, you might be happy because the scale says you are at a lower body weight. What you don’t know, though, is the ratio of muscle to fat in your body has decreased! This means you have less muscle and more fat than before you started.  This is when you'll hit a weight loss plateau.

From that point on, you have to eat even less to lose more weight. This starts a downright vicious cycle.

Eventually, you will be starving yourself. It will send your body into "starvation" mode...meaning that even if you eat just a little, your body will be confused that it's not being fed enough, so it will turn any foods you eat into unhealthy fats.  Your body will hold onto fat stores and feed off your muscle for energy. The body will keep the fat because body fat is more important than muscle in sustaining life.
Body fat serves as stored energy for the body.

Feed Your Body Clean, Healthy foods, and It Will Let Go of the Body Fat

The body will hold onto body fat if it believes it is in danger. And that’s exactly what most weight loss diets will do to you. This is why it's important to eat 5 small meals a day instead of 1-2 larger meals (even if they're healthy). Your body will begin to feed off of your muscle mass for energy.

The number on the scale will go down quickly, but you’ll be losing your most important ally in your long term war on fat loss.

The only way to prevent muscle loss during weight loss is to lift weights and eat more. This tells your body that it’s fine to burn fat from your body and keep your muscle. Burn fat with cardiovascular exercise, and create the calorie deficit through exercise.

This is an entirely different strategy than any of those typical weight loss programs, and that’s why it works.

You eat more and exercise to burn the fat away.

You stay happy and feel great the entire time you’re burning deadly body fat.

And MOST importantly:  YOU MAKE A LIFESTYLE CHANGE and never YO YO again.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Are you tired of feeling sick and tired?

Do you have:

irritable bowel syndrome
chronic fatigue syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
crohn's disease
gluten intolerance
needing fiber supplements 
frequent colonoscopies
needing probiotic supplements
bacterial infections
do you constantly end up on antibiotics
do you have chronic sinus infections or get sick often?

Are you ready to feel better?

My next Beachbody Challenge groups begin:

JUNE 23 and JUNE 30

I'd love to help you get out of your pit and into a new, healthy, and fulfilling place in your life.

Message me at for more information.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I dare you to eat this much for lunch today

I dare you to eat this much for lunch today.  I know I will be, and my boys will at snack time!  How many fruits and veggies have you and your family eaten this week?  I've had over 280.  Whoop!

Bring on the Shakeology!

My SHAKEOLOGY CHALLENGE group starts on JULY 23!

Email me at for more information or to reserve your spot!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Becoming a Beachbody Coach with Team Emerge

My team is growing at a quick pace.  I have never had a "job" so rewarding and flexible - without any quotas, bosses, inventory to purchase, or hours to keep.  I am amazed everyday about how lucky I am that this has landed in my lap at such an opportune time.  It's been the most fun and exciting blessing out of left field.  Not only has my cholesterol lowered from 267 down to 217 from drinking Shakeology, I now have built in accountability, I get to encourage other people all day long, and I am blown away by the amount of money I'm now able to contribute to our family's income....all while my boys nap.

If you want to start your own journey towards losing weight and jumpstart those around you...or you are already a gym rat and want to earn extra income while being apart of the best company around, I would love to talk to you about becoming apart of my team, Team Emerge.

What does it mean?  Here's a short video from our CEO, Carl Daikeler.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Plant. Cultivate. Grow.


"If you think organic food is expensive, have you priced cancer lately?"  Joel Salatin

Monday, April 23, 2012

My cholesterol before Shakeology was 267. Drumroll!

The moment of truth came in the mail today. I've been anxiously awaiting what my cholesterol numbers were going to look like after my doctor telling me that if I didn't lower it on my own, I was definitely going to be on cholesterol medication because at 35 years old, 5'4"and 125 pounds, I was staring at some majorly high cholesterol numbers in the late fall of 2011.  267 to be exact.

I ripped open the results of my latest bloodwork, and my heart was beating out of my chest.  I immediately clapped and laughed while yelling, "YEAH, BABY!" by myself in the kitchen.

I began drinking Shakeology in the middle of January 2012 in attempt to not join in on the chronic cycle of popping pills for disease instead of attacking the actual disease from the inside out...

And it looks like this girl WON'T be popping any Lipitor because my NEW level is drastically lower!



Monday, April 16, 2012

Husband vs. Wives Challenge starts May 1

Here's the chance to kick your spouse's butt to the curb (well, not really, but kind of literally and figuratively, really).

I'm starting a new Beachbody Challenge group on May 1.  Husbands vs. Wives.  It will be a 60 - 90 day challenge, May 1 - July 1 or August 1.  The winner gets bragging rights.  You will take before and after pictures of each other.  You will measure each other.  You will exercise together as often as possible using one of the following programs.  You will make healthier food choices.  You will hold each other accountable.  You will put down the cheetos.  You WILL lose weight.  You will motivate each other.  You will reconnect.  You will compete against each other to get your health back and change the path of your family. 

What's your WHY?  Do you want to lose weight for your own self-image?  Do you want to teach your children what it means to have a good self-image, self-control, and live a longer life for them?  Do you want to lower your cholesterol?  Are you on the edge of diabetes?  Do you want to have energy to play with your kids?  Do you just wish you could fit into those skinny pants or not have to wear a t-shirt at the pool over your fat tire?  What is the legacy you would leave your children if you stayed the same as you are today?  What more do you want for yourself and them?  Did you ever think you'd be here...that you'd be "that dad" or "that mom" to them?  Then it's time for a change.

This is one challenge group that I've been so excited to roll out.  I've seen, first hand, how it's changed Reed's and my life.  I want the same for you and yours. If you want a spot, message me for details at If you want me to coordinate a special group for your entire family (and do a biggest loser family challenge), I'd love to be apart of that, as well.  I'm wanting 4-6 couples per grouping. 

The programs to choose from in the Husbands vs. Wives challenge are:




"Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise, will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
Edward Stanley

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are you Diabetic?



4.  LOWER CHOLESTEROL (total avg. by 30%, LDL by 38%)

Monday, March 12, 2012

could you stand to lose a few pounds?

If your answer is, "a few??" then I want you to join one of my March or April Beachbody Challenge groups!

Turbo Fire is really popular right now for women wanting to change their entire figures.  I can't even BELIEVE the results I'm seeing from my current challengers on this program.  But there are tons of amazing programs that will get exactly what you want.  I can help direct you towards the one that will help you hit your goals.  If you're a guy wanting to tone up, go for Insanity.  If you are wanting to tone up and get swimsuit ready, Brazil Butt Lift will get it done.  If you have an extremely hectic schedule, the 10 Minute Trainer will be your best friend.  If you love gospel music and want to put more emphasis on your physical temple, Body Gospel has your name written all over it.

Check out what the Beachbody Challenge is in the video to the right.  

To sign up, click HERE, or feel free to email me at with ANY and ALL questions!  It's time to make a change for yourself, your family, and the quality of your life, and I want to help you do just that. 

When was the last time you actually LIKED what you saw in your mirror?  That can change in the next 60 - 90 days or, it can STAY THE SAME.

I'm also adding COACHES to my team right now and would love to talk with you about joining my team!  It will change your life in a way you never thought was possible!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This is for you, Ladies. Swimsuits are around the bend.

Brazil Butt Lift...Oh, yeah...

After I posted about my upcoming Insanity Challenge this week, I had several of you ask if there would be any challenges geared toward women, and the keyword for most of you was swimsuit.

I am going to start Brazil Butt Lift with a couple of friends in the next couple of weeks, so I figured it would be fun to start up a new group of women challengers focused on getting swimsuit ready.  The Brazil Butt Lift Beachbody Challenge will be 60 days. We will follow the Brazil Butt Lift Workout Calendar.  The challenge pack also comes with Shakeology, which we will use to replace one meal a day. That will give us the perfect amount of time to tone up so we don't sag out (of our suits) when we're schlepping our kiddos around the pool this summer.  The 60 days will end mid-May.  Perfect timing for summertime.

Honestly, one of the main reason I became a Team Beachbody Coach was because I was fed up with how I felt about myself at the pool with my family my swimdress.  I would almost cry in front of my mirror each time I pulled on the blasted thing that was thicker than a waterproof tarp and tighter than a beauty queen's waist wrapped with duct tape.  Blaming it on baby fat and genetics just wasn't cutting it anymore now that Strohm and Shep are (almost) 3 and 4.  I want more for myself than "letting myself go."  The better I feel about myself, the better mom and wife I am becoming...I WISH I had done this years ago...It's important that we make our health and confidence a priority for ourselves, our children and mates.

March 12 (give or take a few days) is the group's start date.  I would love to add you to the group! Email me at, and I will send you the steps on how to join us!

Monday, February 27, 2012

INSANITY challenge group, March 12


I'm starting an Insanity Beachbody Challenge Group on March 12.  Are you ready for a change?

Reed and I began Insanity a few weeks ago, and from my experience, this is truly a program that can change your body in a short amount of time.  It's not for the beginners (I learned this the hard way), but if you want quick results and want to throw it all on the line, join my challengers.  If you come from a sports background and want to get your body back or you are an athlete wanting to keep your body in the best shape, stop finding excuses and instead find your reasons.  

Insanity uses MAX Interval Training—you perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercise with short periods of rest to maximize your results.

In 60 days, you can either stay the same, make the same lazy choices, and wish you had started, or you can completely change your life by just making up your mind.  March 12 - May 12.  What will 2012's summer feel like to you?  You can sign up for the Beachbody Challenge HERE or email me if you want more information:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

are you on prescriptions? is "flare up" normal vocabulary?

Do you, or anyone you know, live their life managing or controlling any of these issues?  

irritable bowel syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
chronic fatigue syndrome
crohn's disease
gluten intolerance
needing fiber supplements 
frequent colonoscopies (i've had 3 and i'm 35)
needing probiotic supplements
bacterial infections
do you constantly end up on antibiotics
do you have chronic sinus infections or get sick often

are you tired of feeling sick and tired?  do you pride yourself on eating whole foods? are you tired of worrying about when you're going to have a flare up and micro-managing every tiny thing you put in your mouth?  are you tired of popping pills and paying a fortune every single month for all of those bottles in your medicine cabinet trying to treat your pains and aches?  are you on cholesterol medication?  do you pop vitamin after vitamin every morning and follow it up with a probiotic or activia?  does heart disease run in your family?  does colon cancer run in your family?

to be clear:  i'm not a medical doctor.  i know that probably shocks and saddens some of you - i don't mean to let you down.  HA.  i'm not saying to go throw out your medications, but i would be remiss if i didn't implore you to explore the possibilities of what shakeology could do for your daily life and for the quality of your days.  what IF you could get off lipitor?  what IF you could stop cramping and sitting close to the exit door at church so you could make a fast run for it?  what IF you could toss 20 vitamins you take daily?  what IF you could lose weight while improving your digestion and flare ups? what IF you could toss the miralax?  what IF you could keep your flare ups at bay? what IF you could have energy again?  

what IF you could control your symptoms instead of them controlling you?  and what if you could do this while losing weight, building up your immune system, and adding years to your life?

aren't convinced? let's hear what DOCTOR'S have to say about the amazing benefits of shakeology.

lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia personal story

arthritis personal story

colitis personal story - resulted from overuse of antibiotics

diabetes/high cholesterol

to find out more about shakeology, feel free to contact me: or look at all of the benefits and ingredients HERE


Sunday, January 22, 2012

day 1 insanity. and, yes, we recorded ourselves.

starbucks has how many calories? say what?!

when i first began looking into starting the beachbody challenge, my biggest drawback was the cost of the shakeology.  i absolutely HATE spending money.  i've always been this way.  i remember when i was younger, when it was time to check out at the grocery store, i would ask my mom for the keys and go to the car because i couldn't stand to hear how much all of our food cost.  it made me feel awful inside.  plus, when you just weathered having a house on the market for 3 1/2 years and you were living in another state, had 2 baby's medical bills, 3 sets of surgery bills, 2 layoffs, and almost sold your teeth for profit (i'm totally kidding...i swear i would only sell 1 tooth if it came to that...not ALL of them, people)....well, you see where i'm coming from.  

but i realized that some choices we were making could change.  they NEEDED to change.  our priorities have been skewed, and that has led to having flabby bodies that are more unhealthy on the inside than the outside.  if you think your reflection in the mirror is awful, magnify that by 100 of the damage being done INSIDE your body.  this is my tool to lower my cholesterol (270 at 122 pounds), put GOOD things inside my body, lose weight, and have more energy.  i could use every excuse in the book and try every other avenue that might be cheaper (slim fast just ain't cutting it), but i was tired of making excuses.  so instead of making excuses, we're making a way.  you all know how much i love craigslist, so i did my magic, sold some stuff, and came up with the money i needed to buy the challenge pack.  it was the best choice to get rid of a pottery barn comforter in my closet, an old chair in the garage, and a set of fancy knives we've never used.  

what's your excuse?  how are you going to make a way to get out of your rut, off the couch, stop driving through chick fil a 2-3 times a week, and hating how your body has gone downhill?